• BGE Curriculum

      S1 – S3 Information, knowledge and skills needed to thrive now and in the future.

      Faculties & Subjects

      Discover Subject News, Events, Daily Feeds, Student Work, Courses and Video Presentations.

      Remote Learning

      Opportunities and resources to expand learning away from school. 


      The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the national curriculum used from nursery to secondary school.

      Study Starts Now

      Offering an 8-week revision guide, Supported Study, Easter School info, and links to Achieve, West OS, e-Sgoli, and Scholar.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      Senior Phase

      S4 – S6 Information. The senior phase builds firmly on the experiences and outcomes from the BGE.

      Support for Learning

      Support and Information for pupils with Additional Support Needs.


      The latest competitions for a variety of subjects that our young people can enter.

    • Trips

      Discover upcoming educational visits, away days or residential holidays organised by the school to broaden the educational experience.

      Young Enterprise

      Building a successful and sustainable future for all young people, the Young Enterprise rewards young people with an event that celebrates entrepreneurialism.


      There’s always a lot going on at Stranraer Academy. From inspirational talks and musical performances to careers fairs, and parent’s evenings to school excursions.

      Discover those essential dates for your diary.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      P7 Transistion

      An exciting event in any young person’s life. Here you will find all the information needed to help our young people transition to Stranraer Academy.

      The Polar Academy

      A fantastic event and opportunity for a small selection of brave and adventurous young people. Join the experience.

    • The Headteachers Office

      Featuring Headteacher’s Letters, Comments, Weekly Updates, Video Blogs and Acknowledging Student Success.

      The Teachers Lounge

      Faculty and Teacher’s Social Media Feeds. Daily updates from each subject.

      Film Archive

       Archive for Legacy Media Production.


      Click the button to discover regular updates on what’s going on at Stranraer Academy.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      The Student Rec Room

      Daily Notices, Essential Information, Student Leadership, Exceptional Work and Pop Culture News. It’s all here in the Rec Room.

      Wider Achievement

      Share your successes to inspire others. Submit details and photos to be featured on our website and other platforms.

      Posters & Graphics

      Archive for Academy Posters, Graphics and Typography.

    • Teachers & Support

      Meet the exceptional teaching staff at Stranraer Academy which delivers a first-class learning environment for our young people. 

      Parent Council

      The Parent Council is a group of parents selected by all parents in the school to represent their views.


      Stranraer Academy is a culture of inspiration, innovation, energy and creativity in teaching, and this character shapes the learning of our pupils.


      Stranraer Academy’s senior leadership works together to implement a school’s vision.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      Campus Police

      Discover the official campus Police Officer’s page for Police Scotland on the Stranraer Academy website.

      Clerical & Janitorial

      Essential to the everyday operations of the academy.

    • Virtual Tour

      This presentation will give you an engaging and thorough tour of the academy.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Discover the common questions and answers about our Academy.

      School Meal Information

      Healthy Nutrition, Menu Choices and how a young person can claim for Free School Meals.


      In this section, you will find essential, enlightening and exciting communication relevant to the academy, our young people and the greater community.

      Stranraer Academy Logo


      Stranraer Academy policies cover pupil welfare and safeguarding, teaching and learning practices.

      School App

      Discover how to engage with the academy through our other media platforms.

      School Uniform

      Find out about our school uniform expectations and where to buy uniform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the answers to our most commonly asked questions. Click on each question to reveal an answer.

Your child should tell the class teacher who will send him/her to the Office. If the school cannot deal with the problem, you will be contacted. In serious cases, your child will be taken to hospital.

Pupils are required to sign in at the School Office. Parents/Carers will be contacted if a pupil is persistently late.

On the 1st day of absence you must contact the school before 10 am (preferably as close to 9am as possible.) If your child is absent and we have not heard from home, a ‘Groupcall’ text or voice message will be forwarded to the contact numbers we have on your child’s record. Please send a note to explain the absence when your child returns to school. If the absence is likely to be more than a week contact your child’s Pupil Support teacher. Any absence not accounted for by a phone call, text message or note will be recorded as unauthorised.

Telephone the school office and a message will be passed on. Please avoid contacting your child on their mobile during class time.

Please contact the school or send a note or appointment card with your child in order that he/she can sign out of school at the appropriate time.

The School Office handles any difficulty with bus passes, including National Entitlement (Young Scot) Cards.

Encourage your child to speak to you and/or their Pupil Support teacher. If your child is reluctant to talk about it, please act on his/her behalf and contact his/her Pupil Support Teacher.

If the issue relates to one subject area, you should contact the school office and they will put you in contact with the Principal Teacher of the subject. If the problem is across a number of subjects, you should contact your child’s Pupil Support teacher.

Please contact the school office on 01776 706484 or by email to request a meeting with the year head. The office will need to know your name, the name of the pupil to be enrolled and their date of birth in the first instance.

Morning break is from 10.40 am-10.55 am. Lunchtime is from 1.10 pm until 1.50 pm. Details of the school day can be found on the key information page or on the school app (Jigsaw School App).

The school office is open from 8 am each morning until 4 pm. An answering service is available for calls out with these times.

The school day currently starts at 9.01 am and finishes at 3.20 pm. The school office is open from 8 am until 4 pm.

Term and holiday dates for all schools in Dumfries & Galloway can be found here.

All term-time holidays will be recorded as unauthorised. Please see the Dumfries and Galloway Council Education Handbook for further details.

Authority Handbook Cover

Any enforced school closure will be centrally communicated to contact numbers held on the school system through GovDelivery. Stranraer Academy may also communicate through our ‘Groupcall’ text and email system where emergency or partial closures are put in place. Details will also be communicated through the school app.

Only contacts on your child’s record may collect children from school. Parents/guardians must give permission and inform the school office if the child is being collected by someone else.

Annual Update Forms are issued in August. These must be checked, completed or corrected and returned to the office to ensure that we hold the most up to date information and you don’t miss vital communication. Details can be changed at other times by writing to your child’s pupil support teacher or emailing the school office.

Details can be found on the School Meal Information page and the Dumfries & Galloway website has additional details. There may also be a clothing grant available. 

Mobile phones are not allowed to be used in class other than with express permission or direction of the class teacher. Persistent misuse in class can result in the teacher confiscating the phone which will then be kept in the school office for the pupil to collect at the end of the day. A record of the incident will be kept and if a pupil’s mobile phone is handed into the office on a second or subsequent occasion, the phone will only be handed over to a parent or carer.

Details of exclusion periods after an illness can be found on the D&G Health Protection website. 

Reports are issued at regular intervals throughout the year. Please see the Calendar on the School App for expected reporting dates.

The Canteen in Stranraer Academy serves snacks, sandwiches/baguettes and hot meals. They accept payment by Young Scot card or cash.

Children should be equipped for their day in school with appropriate pencils, eraser, pens, ruler and other items that may be required by specific subjects. Jotters and workbooks are issued to pupils in class.

Information on the Stranraer Academy uniform can be found on the school uniform page. This also will outline what is acceptable PE clothing.

Stranraer Academy has an active and welcoming parent council. Please check the school app or website for details of the next meeting.

Discover More at Stranraer Academy



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