• BGE Curriculum

      S1 – S3 Information, knowledge and skills needed to thrive now and in the future.

      Faculties & Subjects

      Discover Subject News, Events, Daily Feeds, Student Work, Courses and Video Presentations.

      Remote Learning

      Opportunities and resources to expand learning away from school. 


      The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the national curriculum used from nursery to secondary school.

      Study Starts Now

      Offering an 8-week revision guide, Supported Study, Easter School info, and links to Achieve, West OS, e-Sgoli, and Scholar.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      Senior Phase

      S4 – S6 Information. The senior phase builds firmly on the experiences and outcomes from the BGE.

      Support for Learning

      Support and Information for pupils with Additional Support Needs.


      The latest competitions for a variety of subjects that our young people can enter.

    • Trips

      Discover upcoming educational visits, away days or residential holidays organised by the school to broaden the educational experience.

      Young Enterprise

      Building a successful and sustainable future for all young people, the Young Enterprise rewards young people with an event that celebrates entrepreneurialism.


      There’s always a lot going on at Stranraer Academy. From inspirational talks and musical performances to careers fairs, and parent’s evenings to school excursions.

      Discover those essential dates for your diary.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      P7 Transistion

      An exciting event in any young person’s life. Here you will find all the information needed to help our young people transition to Stranraer Academy.

      The Polar Academy

      A fantastic event and opportunity for a small selection of brave and adventurous young people. Join the experience.

    • The Headteachers Office

      Featuring Headteacher’s Letters, Comments, Weekly Updates, Video Blogs and Acknowledging Student Success.

      The Teachers Lounge

      Faculty and Teacher’s Social Media Feeds. Daily updates from each subject.

      Film Archive

       Archive for Legacy Media Production.


      Click the button to discover regular updates on what’s going on at Stranraer Academy.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      The Student Rec Room

      Daily Notices, Essential Information, Student Leadership, Exceptional Work and Pop Culture News. It’s all here in the Rec Room.

      Wider Achievement

      Share your successes to inspire others. Submit details and photos to be featured on our website and other platforms.

      Posters & Graphics

      Archive for Academy Posters, Graphics and Typography.

    • Teachers & Support

      Meet the exceptional teaching staff at Stranraer Academy which delivers a first-class learning environment for our young people. 

      Parent Council

      The Parent Council is a group of parents selected by all parents in the school to represent their views.


      Stranraer Academy is a culture of inspiration, innovation, energy and creativity in teaching, and this character shapes the learning of our pupils.


      Stranraer Academy’s senior leadership works together to implement a school’s vision.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      Campus Police

      Discover the official campus Police Officer’s page for Police Scotland on the Stranraer Academy website.

      Clerical & Janitorial

      Essential to the everyday operations of the academy.

    • Virtual Tour

      This presentation will give you an engaging and thorough tour of the academy.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Discover the common questions and answers about our Academy.

      School Meal Information

      Healthy Nutrition, Menu Choices and how a young person can claim for Free School Meals.


      In this section, you will find essential, enlightening and exciting communication relevant to the academy, our young people and the greater community.

      Stranraer Academy Logo


      Stranraer Academy policies cover pupil welfare and safeguarding, teaching and learning practices.

      School App

      Discover how to engage with the academy through our other media platforms.

      School Uniform

      Find out about our school uniform expectations and where to buy uniform.

Young Enterprise

The Young Enterprise Vision is for Scotland to be a place where all young people are given the opportunity to have a rewarding future in work and life – no matter where they start their journey.

The Young Enterprise Mission is to inspire and equip young people, irrespective of their background, to learn, develop and reach their full potential through enterprise and financial education.

In everything they do, they will work with the following values: Integrity, Enthusiasm, Creativity & Collaboration.

Company Programme

Young Enterprise Cool Logo

Running over the course of a full academic year, young people from S5 & S6 start up their own student company, running through the key milestones of developing an idea, conducting market research, creating the product or service, promoting that product and ultimately trading it.

You might expect this to be a programme specifically targeted at those with an interest in business, however the 2,000 young people who participate each year across Scotland have a very broad range of interests. Company Programme can be used to provide a real-life context to many subject areas — design and computing involved in the design of the product, English to develop the persuasive language for marketing, or Maths to establish a profitable selling price – student’s involvement in Company Programme provides a rich real-life learning experience.

Schools have also used Company Programme to support groups of young people who may require additional intervention due to low self-esteem, lack of confidence or social challenges.

Opportunities to apply classroom learning in real and relevant contexts

Develop essential skills required for future life and work (UCAS even use YE as an example of what to put on the form!)

Real experience of work – something that will be even harder post Covid-19

Engaging with a volunteer mentor from the world of work

Opportunity to take part in the YES Company Programme qualification at SCQF Level 6 worth up to 30 credit points

Suitable for students in S5/6

Teams of between 2 and 32 can participate in each student company, with a recommendation of 8-12 students for most impact from the programme.

Flexibility to run the programme within the timetable, or as an extra-curricular project

Supports careers education through the provision of real-life experiences of work

Drives positive attitudes to learning, life and work

Clear guidance on how students can use their experience to complete UCAS applications

Participation in the SCQF Level 6 Company Programme qualification reported through Insight

A dedicated online platform to support students through their Company Programme experience

Access to a PVG checked and trained volunteer

Business Advisor to support students through the programme – either remotely or in person

Public liability insurance for all of the student companies

A brand-new e-commerce platform for online trading for 2020/21

Competitions for student companies throughout the programme.

In the 2022 Scottish finals, Coastal Creatives won 2 awards for the Team Programme. The Creativity Award, and Best presentation. The team were also shortlisted for a number of other awards listed below.

Creativity award – Win
Best Presentation- Win
Marketing award- Shortlisted
Best Report- Top 3
Company of the year – Top 3
Managing director of the year – Hamish McGuigan was shortlisted to Top 3
Finance director- Craig Murphy was shortlisted to top 5

The Coastal Creatives presentation and Introductory video can be seen below.

Best Presentation Award

Best Presentation 2022


Team Programme