I made this short film (if you could call it that) back in 2022 and it was the biggest waste of my time. I suppose I’m proud of it in a way, like the first child you have that’s always a throwaway. Its about a mad mans adventures through space. I made it specifically for the Harryhausen competition. I put in blood, sweat, tears and all other sorts of things I cant type in this. It didn’t win (yes, I was shocked and horrified also) it was beat by some 5 year old who animated some sticks and a play doh monster and called it a day. No effects, no nothing. So all in all I’m proud of some of it, credit to Innes Dench, a long time collaberator, for the voice of the titular Marmaduke Epping. Everything else was me. Even the nuclear. Thank you for watching and wasting your valuable minutes on this small spec. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Archie McCbbin.