Dear Parents/Carers,
This week, I have been struck by the wider achievement opportunities open to our pupils. Mr Lane and his DofE team deserve recognition for a wonderful Awards Evening and their significant efforts in supporting numerous pupils to achieve success. The level of achievement these awards represent is remarkable.
Our Senior Support Ambassadors are undergoing further training and have proudly received their SSA badges, which they wear with pride.
Sports remains an important part of our school life, with pupils actively participating in Netball, Rugby, Football, Boccia, and Swimming in coming weeks. We extend our thanks to all the coaches for their dedication. Special recognition goes to our newly formed Basketball team under the guidance of Coach Allan, who are eagerly awaiting their school strips in preparation for their first games. Best of luck!
The recent successful English trip to a production of Tally’s Blood has received rave reviews. It was a great team effort to organise, and as always, colleagues have stepped in to cover for those out of school.
I was thrilled to see our three newest Foundation Apprentices receiving praise and recognition from our partner, Rowan Glen. Foundation Apprenticeships are a crucial part of our broader curriculum, catering to the needs of all our pupils and our community. Like any new initiative, this development requires time, energy, and talent, and I want to thank everyone involved.
Industrial Action
As detailed in an email from the Director of Education, all DGC schools including Stranraer Academy will be closed to pupils on Wed 8th Nov 2023. I want to emphasise how much we value all our non-teaching colleagues and recognise their vital contribution to our school’s achievements.
As we approach the weekend, I am pleased to say that the sun is shining. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Warm regards,
Jamie Farquhar
Acting Headteacher