Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been great to see our young people back in the full swing of school life this week. Thankfully, the various illnesses and viruses that seemed to affect so many of us in recent weeks are now easing. I hope you and your families are feeling well as we move forward into the term.
Cluster Working
Following the success of last year’s cluster-wide Food Skills programme, led by Fiona Shannon, we are thrilled to see continued collaboration across our schools. Last night, our Maths team met with P6–P7 teachers from across the cluster to launch a Developing Number Knowledge project. This initiative is designed to strengthen numeracy skills early on, providing a strong foundation for future attainment. My thanks go to everyone involved in this important work.
Breakfast Club
We are incredibly grateful for the generous donation recently received from the Rotary Club to support our Breakfast Club. Violet Raphael (Head Girl) and Ellie Miller (Depute Head Girl), both longstanding Breakfast Club volunteers, represented the school exceptionally well at a Rotary Lunch to express our thanks. A huge well done to them and to everyone else involved in this vital service.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Warm regards,
Jamie Farquhar