Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy Friday to all!
As we welcome the onset of autumn, its pleasing to still be enjoying some warm weather.
I am delighted to welcome pupils back for the new session. Uniform standards are excellent; thank you to all parents/carers for your support. Our senior pupils are setting a particularly good example to younger pupils. We are conscious of the cost-of-living crisis, if we can help any family in any way please get in touch.
Our new S1 have settled in quickly and are firmly part of the Stranraer Academy family.
Our pupils performed well in recent SQA exams and I will share a full overview of our attainment data shortly when figures are released by The Scottish Government.
And finally, a quick update on our staff:
We welcome Jayne Fiskin, to our Art department as a student teacher.
We bid farewell to Laurence Etiba, who’s moving to Manchester. Best wishes, Laurence!
Carol Rankin will be leaving us next week for a new venture. All the best, Carol!
The school’s atmosphere is positive, our students are happy and engaged, and our staff continue to work hard for our young people and community. I am looking forward to a great term.
Warm regards,
Jamie Farquhar
Acting Headteacher