• BGE Curriculum

      S1 – S3 Information, knowledge and skills needed to thrive now and in the future.

      Faculties & Subjects

      Discover Subject News, Events, Daily Feeds, Student Work, Courses and Video Presentations.

      Remote Learning

      Opportunities and resources to expand learning away from school. 


      The Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the national curriculum used from nursery to secondary school.

      Study Starts Now

      Offering an 8-week revision guide, Supported Study, Easter School info, and links to Achieve, West OS, e-Sgoli, and Scholar.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      Senior Phase

      S4 – S6 Information. The senior phase builds firmly on the experiences and outcomes from the BGE.

      Support for Learning

      Support and Information for pupils with Additional Support Needs.


      The latest competitions for a variety of subjects that our young people can enter.

    • Trips

      Discover upcoming educational visits, away days or residential holidays organised by the school to broaden the educational experience.

      Young Enterprise

      Building a successful and sustainable future for all young people, the Young Enterprise rewards young people with an event that celebrates entrepreneurialism.


      There’s always a lot going on at Stranraer Academy. From inspirational talks and musical performances to careers fairs, and parent’s evenings to school excursions.

      Discover those essential dates for your diary.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      P7 Transistion

      An exciting event in any young person’s life. Here you will find all the information needed to help our young people transition to Stranraer Academy.

      The Polar Academy

      A fantastic event and opportunity for a small selection of brave and adventurous young people. Join the experience.

    • The Headteachers Office

      Featuring Headteacher’s Letters, Comments, Weekly Updates, Video Blogs and Acknowledging Student Success.

      The Teachers Lounge

      Faculty and Teacher’s Social Media Feeds. Daily updates from each subject.

      Film Archive

       Archive for Legacy Media Production.


      Click the button to discover regular updates on what’s going on at Stranraer Academy.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      The Student Rec Room

      Daily Notices, Essential Information, Student Leadership, Exceptional Work and Pop Culture News. It’s all here in the Rec Room.

      Wider Achievement

      Share your successes to inspire others. Submit details and photos to be featured on our website and other platforms.

      Posters & Graphics

      Archive for Academy Posters, Graphics and Typography.

    • Teachers & Support

      Meet the exceptional teaching staff at Stranraer Academy which delivers a first-class learning environment for our young people. 

      Parent Council

      The Parent Council is a group of parents selected by all parents in the school to represent their views.


      Stranraer Academy is a culture of inspiration, innovation, energy and creativity in teaching, and this character shapes the learning of our pupils.


      Stranraer Academy’s senior leadership works together to implement a school’s vision.

      Stranraer Academy Logo

      Campus Police

      Discover the official campus Police Officer’s page for Police Scotland on the Stranraer Academy website.

      Clerical & Janitorial

      Essential to the everyday operations of the academy.

    • Virtual Tour

      This presentation will give you an engaging and thorough tour of the academy.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Discover the common questions and answers about our Academy.

      School Meal Information

      Healthy Nutrition, Menu Choices and how a young person can claim for Free School Meals.


      In this section, you will find essential, enlightening and exciting communication relevant to the academy, our young people and the greater community.

      Stranraer Academy Logo


      Stranraer Academy policies cover pupil welfare and safeguarding, teaching and learning practices.

      School App

      Discover how to engage with the academy through our other media platforms.

      School Uniform

      Find out about our school uniform expectations and where to buy uniform.

Broad General Education

In secondary schools, there are two stages to the curriculum; the Broad General Education and Senior Phase.

Broad General Education (S1-S3), is based on pupils’ entitlement to experience the full range of subject areas, as well as opportunities for learning that cut across subject areas (inter-disciplinary learning). There is also a strong emphasis on developing literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing skills across the whole of their learning experience. All children and young people in Scotland have an entitlement to a curriculum which will support them in developing their values and beliefs and enable them to:

  • achieve the highest possible levels of literacy and numeracy and cognitive skills
  • develop skills for life and skills for work
  • develop knowledge and understanding of society, the world and Scotland’s place in it
  • experience challenge and success

Curriculum for Excellence

A Curriculum for Excellence is built around nationally agreed aims – the four capacities that all children should become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

​​Curriculum for Excellence is divided into two phases: the broad general education and the senior phase. The broad general education begins in early learning and childcare and continues to the end of S3 (the third year of secondary school). Its purpose is to develop the knowledge, skills, attributes and capabilities of the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence:

  • Successful learners
  • Confident individuals
  • Responsible citizens
  • Effective contributors

It is designed to provide the breadth and depth of education to develop flexible and adaptable young people with the knowledge and skills they will need to thrive now and in the future. It aims to support young people in achieving and attaining the best they possibly can.

Curriculum is defined as the totality of all that is planned for children and young people from early learning and childcare, through school and beyond. Children’s and young people’s learning should be planned for and experienced across the four contexts.

The Four Capacities

Successful learners


  • enthusiasm and motivation for learning
  • determination to reach high standards of achievement
  • openness to new thinking and ideas

and able to:

  • use literacy, communication and numeracy skills
    use technology for learning
  • think creatively and independently
  • learn independently and as part of a group
    make reasoned evaluations
  • link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations

Confident Individuals


  • self-respect
  • a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
  • secure values and beliefs

and able to:

  • relate to others and manage themselves
  • pursue a healthy and active lifestyle
  • be self aware
  • develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world
  • live as independently as they can
  • assess risk and take informed decisions
  • achieve success in different areas of activity

Responsible Citizens


  • respect for others
  • commitment to
  • participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life

and able to:

    • develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it
    • understand different beliefs and cultures
    • make informed choices and decisions
      evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues
    • develop informed, ethical views of complex issues

Effective Contributors


  • an enterprising attitude
  • resilience
  • self-reliance

and able to:

  • communicate in different ways and different settings
  • work in partnership and in teams
  • take the initiative and lead
  • apply critical thinking in new concepts
  • create and develop
  • solve problems

Scotlands Curriculum - Curriculum for Excellence - helps our children and young people gain the knowledge, skills and attributes needed for life in the 21st century.

Creative Arts
Healthy Living
Language & Communication
Social Subjects

BGE Timetable

In S1/2 pupils follow a timetable which ensures that the eight curriculum areas are experienced i.e. Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing, Languages, Mathematics, Religious and Moral Education, Sciences, Social Studies and Technologies.
In S3 a degree of subject choice allows pupils to select English and Mathematics along with a total of 8 other subjects; together with a core provision of Physical Education, French, RE and Health & Wellbeing.

Successful Learners

Supporting Positive Behaviour

Our Expectations

Each week your HWB/register teacher will check demerits

Any pupil who picks up a total of 3 demerits/referrals (can be a combination of both) will be placed on a green Timetable.

Register Teachers should email the appropriate Pupil Support Teacher to let them know of any pupils placed on timetables.

This timetable is for two weeks and will be monitored mainly by your Registration teacher. Your registration teacher will check this every morning.

Parents/Carers are expected to sign the timetable every night to indicate that they are also monitoring your behavior.

Your parent/carer will be advised via Group Call that you are being monitored.

At the end of the two weeks a decision will be made between your Registration teacher and your Pupil Support teacher as to whether you have made the necessary improvement or not.

If it is decided that your behaviour is not yet at an acceptable level you will be moved onto an orange timetable for two weeks

This decision will also be accompanied by a phone call home.

This will be monitored by Pupil Support and you will be required to have this seen by your Pupil Support teacher at breaks and lunches

At the end of the two weeks a decision will be made by your Pupil Support teacher as to whether you have made the necessary improvement or not.

If not, Pupil Support will arrange to have a meeting in school with your parent/carer where a school plan will be created. You will be monitored for a further two weeks on the timetable.

If your Pupil Support teacher is not happy with your progress on the orange timetable they will call a parental/carer meeting.

Your Yeah Head may be involved at this stage.

At this meeting, the next steps will be discussed and a school plan agreed upon. This could involve:

 further monitoring of behaviour

request for intervention from Nurture or Inclusion

input from partner agencies (such as Social Work)

There are many other options depending on the individual case.

If it is decided that your behaviour is not yet at an acceptable level you will be moved onto a red timetable and a meeting with your parent/carer arranged with your Year Head.

You will be monitored by your Year Head and you will be required to have this seen at breaks and lunches

Your Year Head will liaise regularly with your Pupil Support teacher and home until improvement is achieved.

Pupil Support teachers will operate lunchtime detentions for their own caseload as and when necessary.

Staff should be aware when issuing demerits/referrals that if a referral is logged it is not necessary to also add a demerit for the same incident.

If a pupil has previously been on timetable the Pupil Support teacher can decide to start the process at a more advanced stage (green/orange timetable).

Stranraer Academy Monitoring Timetable

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